Level 21

Centro comercial
Basado en 10 reseñas


Stefanus S
70 month ago
Small Mall in Denpasar, but always crowded. Bit difficult to find a parking lot
Cinthia W
78 month ago
Parkirnya jelek, ada tempat kosong ga dikasi parkir, mesin parkir ga jalan, tapi cuma masuk cari parkir tetap harus bayar, petugas banyak tapi parkirnya tetep ga maksimal.
nitria k
80 month ago
Bad parking area.. even the parking officers won't bother to tidying up.. just mess :/
Eri P
81 month ago
Must try!! Pempek Palembang (Palembang's traditional fish cake) and Medan's Durian juice Cemara at Foodland foodcourt on the 2nd floor
Maraden T
81 month ago
Tidak dapat dipungkiri, masalah mall ini adalah tidak ada nya lahan parkir yang cukup. Yang bawa mobil lbh enak karena ada valet free, tp yg bawa motor?? Tp dalam mall nya bersih, ramai dan nyaman.
Ibu Widi
83 month ago
The only good thing here is the cinema!
Eva Aliffa
84 month ago
Best Mall (tetangga humz)
teen2 k
84 month ago
lokasinya sih strategis banget di pusat kota, tapi... parkirannya gak mumpuni bok... kdg males jdnya kesini hahaha tapi toiletnya bagus, masih baru hehe
Catherine H
86 month ago
Parking lot is awful. Mall only provide small parking lot. The others must park outside, across the street (if rain comes, THE END, wide puddle everywhere) it's my experience🙅
Catherine H
86 month ago
Little nice mall at the center of denpasar, full of teenagers, feel young eh? 🙈🙈