Kozi Gród

Basado en 4 reseñas


Gdansk & Region Convention Bureau
143 month ago
The Kozi Gród (The Goat City) is located in picturesque Kashubian region. 26 hotel rooms, swmming pool, SPA and the Park of Extreme Entertainment. 4 fully equipped conference rooms (up to 140 seats)
Tourist Card
143 month ago
26 rooms, restaurant and pub, conference room, recreation centre, games arcade, and green terrain as well as the Extreme Sports Park. For Tourist Card holders a 10% discount for accommodation.
Tourist Card
144 month ago
Kozi Gród to 26 pokoi, Restauracja i Pub, centrum Rekreacji, salon gier, zielone tereny, Park Ekstremalnej Rozrywki. Z Kartą Turysty rabat 10% na usługi noclegowe (nie obowiązuje na Euro2012)
Dariusz A
154 month ago
Festyn kulinarny! Polecam wszystkim, którzy zwracają uwagę na to co jedzą...
  • Leśników 3, 80-047 Pomlewo, Polonia, GPS: 54.220715,18.376247
  • +48 58 692 07 80