Restaurante cercano Seaham

4 encontrado/a(s)

Frankie & Benny's

Unit 114, Dalton Park Shopping Outlet, Murton, Durham, SR7 9HU, Reino Unido, GPS: 54.814205,-1.3770077
  • Precio

Frankie & Benny’s serves up the best of New York Italian cuisine to offer you big flavours and massive choice. Whether you fancy a juicy chicken burger or an Italian classic, we’ve got something for everyone!...

Pizza Express

Restaurant Unit 1, Dalton Park, Murton, Durham, SR7 9HU, Reino Unido, GPS: 54.81425,-1.377155
  • Precio
  • Reservas
  • Tarjetas de crédito
  • Mesas al aire libre
  • Wi-Fi
  • Menús
  • Bebidas

A sociable pizzeria, serving lovingly handcrafted, delicious Italian pizza and more… Since we began, our pizzaiolos have been pioneers in crafting your favourite pizza with passion and pride at our restaurants. We believe in great food and good times. It’s been the same since 1965.

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